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Saturday, June 5, 2010


Why Cloth Diapers?

Reusable cloth diapers have many benefits, including:
Environmental: Cloth diapers reduce waste for families with children in diapers by more than 50%.
Financial: Cloth diapers allow families to save more than $2000 per child.
Health: Cloth diapers help parents reduce exposure of their babies’ skin and lungs to the chemicals in disposable diapers.
Cute and comfortable: Parents love putting soft cloth diapers, available in a variety of styles and patterns, on their babies.
Convenient: Once you’ve purchased your stash, no more weekly trips to the store to purchase more – simply put a load in the laundry!

Using Cloth Diaper for the First Time:
  • Pre-wash all new Cloth Diapers (Cloth diaper and inserts) before using it for the first time. This removes any residues that might be left in the fabric during production processes.
  • To get better absorption of the inserts, wash the inserts for 3 times before the first use.
  • Cloth diapers are washing-machine-friendly.
  • Using laundry bag in washing machine can lengthen the lifetime of Cloth Diapers.
    Dry Cloth Diapers directly/indirectly under the sun, or by using machine cloth dryer.
  • Do not use bleach (eg. Clorox) or fabric softener (eg. Softlan). It can cause irritation to baby's skin and might also affect the fibers in the Cloth Diapers, and eventually shorten its lifetime.
  • Wash with cold/warm water. High temperature in hot water will damage the Cloth Diaper’s quality.
  • Do not iron or dry-clean as Cloth Diapers might loose its’ elasticity.
  • Do not brush the cloth diapers as it might damage the surface of the Cloth Diapers.

Cara Pencucian dan Penjagaan Cloth Diaper
Penggunaan Kali Pertama:
  • Sebelum menggunakan Cloth Diaper untuk kali yang pertama, pastikan Cloth Diaper (sarung dan insert) telah dicuci terlebih dahulu. Ini adalah bagi mengeluarkan sisa-sisa yang mungkin terdapat dalam fabric semasa proses pengilangan.
  • Untuk mendapat kesan penyerapan fabric (insert) yang lebih berkesan, cuci insert sebanyak 3 kali sebelum menggunakannya untuk kali pertama. Penggunaan yang seterusnya hanya memerlukan sekali cucian.
  • Cloth diaper boleh dicuci tangan atau dengan mesin basuh. Jika menggunakan mesin basuh, penggunaan sarung cucian (laundry bag) dapat memanjangkan jangka hayat penggunaan Cloth Diaper.
  • Keringkan Cloth Diaper di bawah matahari atau menggunakan mesin pengering kain (dryer).
Perhatian dan Peringatan:
  • Elakkan cecair peluntur/pemutih (Clorox) dan cecair pelembut kain (Softlan) - Penggunaan bahan-bahan cucian seperti ini mungkin menyebabkan rasa gatal-gatal pada kulit bayi. Jangka hayat penggunaan Cloth Diaper mungkin juga turut terjejas.
  • Elakkan seterika - Cloth diaper tidak perlu diseterika. Bahan elastik pada Cloth Diaper akan lebur atau menjadi tidak kenyal apabila terdedah kepada haba tinggi.
  • Cuci dengan air sejuk - Cucian kering atau cucian air panas akan menjejaskan kualiti Cloth Diaper.
  • Elakkan berus dan penggosok – hujung berus atau penggosok yang keras dan tajam akan menjejaskan permukaan dan kualiti Cloth Diaper.

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